Thursday, September 22, 2011


First this morning...
I'd like to thank...
My followers for following me...
And of those ...
Those who have recommended my blog.
Seems I've been oblivious...
With the social networking going on, on twitter...
On my behalf.
Second, I'd like to thank...
The agent that rejected me yesterday...
Because you know what?
It was a nice rejection!
"You seem to be a very capable writer with a strong voice,
but I don't often handle novels like this so really worry I'm
not the right choice for you,"
Capable writer? Strong voice?
Oh yeah! I'll take that rejection as a positive!
And so, as I send out more query letters...
I'll feel ever so much more confident...
That my manuscript will eventually...
Match up with the right agent.
And third, and last...
My perspective on rejection...
Although this process if querying feels brutal...
It's nothing compared to the rejections from auditions...
That I used to subject myself to weekly...
When I was a full-time on-camera talent...
And I stood in front of directors and producers...
Reciting lines and acting my little heart out...
Vying with dozens of other talents for the same gig.
At least with querying...
I can sit in my comfy chair, in my comfy clothes...
Sans make-up and done-up hair.
Ever have a job that was worse than getting rejections?

Always, Em-Musing


Anne Gallagher said...

Ever have a job that was worse than getting rejections?

McDonald's. 'Nuff said.

Karen Baldwin said...

Ooooooooo! I hear ya!

Elizabeth Mueller said...

Hooray for a nice rejection letter. I've gotten one and saved it, too...

LOL! Anne made me laugh!


Shirley Wells said...

That's a lovely rejection letter!

Anne made me laugh too. :)

Sarah Nicolas said...

If you have to get rejection letters, that's the way to do it!

A job worse than rejection letters? Copy-writing for a web-company with less-than-ethical practices. Glad I got out of that quick.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

You were an actress? That's kinda cool. Were you in any films that I would know about?

Karen Baldwin said...

I did lots of corporate videos and commercials in the Detroit area. A few went national. I acted only in a few made-for-local TV projects. Nothing glamorous.

Jennifer Hillier said...

That's a GREAT rejection!

The worst job I ever had was working in a discount clothing store. It smelled like feet.

Matthew MacNish said...

That's a great rejection, congrats!