Monday, November 7, 2011


Last year, I participated in NaNoWriMo,
And at the end of November…
After many life interruptions…
And thousands of words under my belt…
I put my NaNo writing in a folder on my desktop…
And forgot about it.
Then this year, with all the hooplah...
About NaNoWriMo starting up again…
The icon seemed to be more obvious than normal..
Bigger? Was it taunting me?
What's the matter? Chickened out? It seemed to be saying.
No! I told myself (and the icon). No time for NaNo this year.
But the icon mocked me back.
Poor baby, can’t handle the pressure?
“Shut up, you evil icon. Who are you to judge me?”
Why don’t you open me up at least. See what’s inside me.
“No. I’ve got more important things to do. Like work on my W.I.P.”
Now I know you’re a chicken. Afraid of what you wrote?
“Afraid of my writing? You really are an evil icon.”
Then open me up. I’ve been sitting here all year. Open me!
So this morning I did…
I had to say my mouth went dry. Probably a remnant from my cold.
I felt a flutter in my chest. Probably gas or a PVC.
And I read.
I had totally forgotten what I wrote.
I actually had started three different stories.
And they were good...
Like they were someone else’s writing.
The last story, about spirits, was so intriguing...
And I don’t even remember where the story is going...
So, while sipping a fresh brew of coffee...
I'm going to read ...
And thoroughly enjoy my own writing.
And be surprised where my story goes.
Have you ever found an old story you wrote and forgot about…
And when you read it…
Were impressed with your own writing?
Or at least with story you started?

Always, Em-Musing


Constance Phillips said...

A while back I found a folder on a flash drive with a few "Flash" stories I'd written and had the same experience. It's always wonderful to go back over a piece of work we're happy with.

Don't let the icon mock you though. You need to focus on the aspect of your career that most needs your attention, and if that is revising or submitting your current WIP, then that is where your time is best used.

Karen Baldwin said...

Yup, gotta smack my icon into submission!

S.A. Larsenッ said...

That's fabulous! Write away! I love it when I find something I've written and had forgotten about. It usually surprises me.

JE said...

That's so great! I'm surprised you didn't do anything with it last year, though ;-)

For me, when I find something I've written and forgotten about, I shudder when I read it again. My style has changed so much, I don't like what I see.


Anne Gallagher said...

I love finding old stuff that I wrote, especially when it's good. Go you, smack that icon and get down to business.

Unknown said...

Ya. What great news! Usually, if I find my old writing, I cringe with embarrassment. For me, there's always a good reason it's been hidden from view. :)

Anonymous said...

I think it's great that you were surprised that you'd written so well. I've gone back to old stories and ended up cringing in horror as I reread them.

Unknown said...

I love revisiting stories - even ones I'd only let sit for a couple months - and being happily surprised. I think the one about spirits sounds interesting too. I'd love to read it!

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

This is funny that you experienced an "OMG...these are good" moment when you looked at your old writing. More often than not, I'm a little disappointed. However, there are times when I do think that I'm brilliant but I wonder if that is just narcissism so I keep it to myself.

Lydia Kang said...

Usually I read something old and I'm like "this is really bad. Wait..this sentence is good. Wait, the rest is bad." and so on and on. LOL

Isis Rushdan said...

I can see good spots in really old stuff, but for the most part, I'm glad it is in a folder filed away.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Yes! It's the best feeling! Like, "Hey, I'm pretty damn good." LOL!