Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I found another treasure chest from my past…
In the attic of the home I sold…
Inside an old wooden crate I discovered:
Poems I wrote when I was eleven…
Cartoon drawings I did when I was twelve…

And a small reel-to-reel tape…
Of a radio commercial when I was ten…
That I wrote, voiced, and made SFX for.
Hee hee…I got cellophane wrap, crinkled it…
To sound like sizzling sausage in a pan…
And said the line, “Mmm, mmm, mmm…
More pork sausages ma.” Mmm, mmm, mmm.”
Obviously at an early age I showed signs of talent.
I can't say that I cognitively pursued those talents...

Because I didn't remember these little treasures till this weekend.
But they were obviously stored in some part of my brain....
I've written, voiced and produced radio spots.
Did a cartoon strip (using a better artist)….
Written poems short stories…
And currently I write novels.
What about you?
Have you ever revisited your childhood…
And found a treasure chest of your childhood?
Did you have talents as a kid…
That you’re now pursuing as an adult?

Always, Em-Musing


S.A. Larsenッ said...

It's funny that you ask that. I had a similar thing happen to me that you describe here, only it was my mom who found papers I'd written as a young child. There were some poems that held deep emotions; I believe I wrote those after my grandmother passed away. I was thirteen.

Love the drawing, BTW.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic drawing!

I have a 'book' I wrote back when I was in kindergarten. I'm pretty sure it was a project my class did to record what we remembered most from our first year of school. It has a cover and illustrations and everything. The seed must have been planted then.

farawayeyes said...

Love that drawing.Nope, I have nothing stored in a chest,only in my brain (some days) I spent my youth on the stage.That was my creative outlet. Still is if your figure "all the world's a stage". Writing came late for me.

Thanks for your lovely comment on my 'most horrible post of the year'. I think maybe that particular ghost story is one I was not supposed to tell yet. I promise I'll get better, I hope.

farawayeyes said...

Love that drawing.Nope, I have nothing stored in a chest,only in my brain (some days) I spent my youth on the stage.That was my creative outlet. Still is if your figure "all the world's a stage". Writing came late for me.

Thanks for your lovely comment on my 'most horrible post of the year'. I think maybe that particular ghost story is one I was not supposed to tell yet. I promise I'll get better, I hope.

Caryn Caldwell said...

I love your cartoon! Her nose is terrific, so unexpected and fun! Well, you know my answer to your question, but I do want to hunt down some of my old writing to look at it. I wrote lots of short stories and even bits of novels when I was in middle school and high school. At the time I thought they were pretty good. Now I want to go back and see just how good (or bad) they were!

Sue said...

You have always been soooo talented! I remember when we were young you used to show me how to make things like the crinkling of cellophane wrap and play announcer. Then we couldn't wait to tape it so we could hear it and laugh! And you were always so good at making up stories.

I've always had a camera since I was 10. I recently found all my photos of my Barbie and Ken dolls, I posed them in trees lol. Than I finally went pro about 5 years ago. The best part is we still play when we get together. You making up situations for me to photograph!

Funny how life comes full circle!

Karen Baldwin said...

Hahahaha!!! I remember your photos of Barbie & Ken. Can you send them to me? It's so funny, because just recently my writer friends and I were discussing Barbie...(too X-rated to share here, hee hee). And yeah, we did and do play well together. What do you want to do next?

The Blogger Formerly Known As said...

I love that drawing! Absolutely adore it.

Living back at home, I have constant reminders of my talented past. A poem I wrote when I was nine or ten on my first typewriter (long before this technological age of computers). But a poem I’m not brave enough to recreate here.

Jennifer Hillier said...

Interesting past, Em! I'm especially intrigued by the cartoon strip...

I always loved to write as a kid, and always wanted to be a writer when I grew up. Even though my path meandered quite a bit, I'm right where I hoped I'd be. :)

Samantha Vérant said...

I was JUST revisiting my childhood, if you count high school. A bunch of art work, photos and old notes. As far as talents go, I've long given up on wanting to become an actress...

Anonymous said...

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