Thursday, February 24, 2011


I need to buy a webcam…
Or a nanny cam
Or some kind of cam…
To spy on…
Yes, a writer cam, that’s what I need…
So I can see…
Just what in the hell I do all day!
Because it seems like I no sooner get up…
Make coffee, blog, write/edit, social network…
Shower and get ready for the day…
Take care of paperwork and bills...
Tidy up the apartment and do wash…
And then…
It’s time to make dinner.
Where did all the hours go?
Yes, I have my freelance voiceover jobs…
But not all day, everyday.
I don’t watch TV...
(OK, some, but not hours worth)
I don’t talk on the phone…
(OK, I do but never for too long)
I mean, cripes!
I sit in front of my computer so long…
I should have chair sores!
I know I think a lot…
But for hours?
What about you?
Are you really organized?
Or do hours drift away from you too?
And if you “writer cammed” yourself…
What would you discover?

Always, Em-Musing


Anne Gallagher said...

I blog for an hour after dropping off Monster Child. Then I work on my masterpiece until I have to pick MC up again. After bringing her home, I work some more.

The house is a mess, we don't eat like regular people, the dust bunnies are hiring hit men on me, and the dogs hate me for not playing ball.

All in the name of finishing the wip by the end of Feb!

If you had a webcam on me I'd die of shame.

Misha Gerrick said...

Hahaha I love this.

I have the same experience. Just never know where the hours fly to.

In fact, I'm afraid of what I'd find out when the camera plays back.


Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Like sands through the hourglass...these are the days of our lives...

Jennifer Shirk said...

I'm pretty organzied but it does feel like I blink sometimes and then it's time for my kiddo to come home from school and I didn't even get to THINK about writing yet. Grrr...

Elena Solodow said...

I'm working out a system wherein the hours at work go by super-fast, while the nighttime just drags on and on.