Wednesday, February 7, 2024


Hey! It’s the Monthly Blog Hop for the Insecure Writers Support Group 
founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh

The first Wednesday of every month, we announce an optional question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience, or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. Remember, the question is optional!!!

         The awesome co-hosts for the February 7 posting of the IWSG are Janet Alcorn, SE White, Victoria Marie Lees, and Cathrina Constantine!

February 7 question: What turns you off when visiting an author's website/blog? Lack of information? A drone of negativity? Little mention of author's books? Constant mention of books?


Gotta think about this for a sec.

Okay, here’s my answer...

I don’t usually go to author’s websites (sorry)...

There’s no particular reason I don’t...

Other than I don’t follow any author that attentively.

But I do love author blogs... 

I find them more interesting, interactive...

And in some cases more fun.

I think blogs show more about the author's personality than a website.

But then I got curious...

Stephen King, for many years, was my all-time favorite author... 

So, I went to Stephen’s website and...



Everything about him is there...

But truth be told...

I don’t know many more times I’ll visit King’s website again... 

Unlike his book: On Writing...

Which I ‘ve revisited many times.

Have you read On Writing?

And what are your thoughts on author websites?




P.S.  Stephen King is such a prolific writer which makes me wonder. . .when he 'passes over'. . .will he become a Ghost Writer?