Five women…
On a balmy Wednesday evening…
Drinking wine…
Sharing stories…
Of marriage…
And the supernatural.
All acknowledged having gone to an astrologer…
Four to going to psychics…
Three to seeing “something” dark from another dimension…
Two to being in or conducting séances…
And one to seeing shapeshifters, gremlins, and fairies.
The last admission is where my belief system stopped.
Of course we asked her what these creatures looked like…
And of course she to us…
But I don’t believe any of us believed her.
But oh, we writers sure like to write about them, don’t we?
I mean, the paranormal and fantasy genres are huge, aren’t they?
And then this woman said…
The scariest thing of all…
“I’ve got an idea for a children’s book, so…
do I just call an agent and tell them my idea?”
She looked at me like she was seeing a lizard. I then told her…
She must first write the story.
When I explained the process of getting a book published…
Writing, editing, rewrites, yada, yada, yada…
I think she’d have rather seen the devil himself…
Than to wrestle with the idea of being a published author.
And who can blame her…
Out of 80% of the population who say they want to write… Only 20% do write…
And out of that only 5% will get published.
I just scared myself!
What's your belief system...
About the supernatural...
And writing?
Always, Em-Musing
(please don’t quote me on all the stats
I read them on someone’s blog)