A time for…
At least for me…
1) I’m reading Tess Gerritsen’s The Apprentice...
That has a necrophiliac serial killer, and…
Whose Halloween costume this year is…
The bride from Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride.
Of course my curiosity about necrophilia led me to…
Sites about real cases of necrophiliacs in…
Fiction, movies, TV, and songs.
And all I can say is…
And while learning is always fascinating…
I don’t always like to have grisly details…
Floating in my head.
And while my granddaughter looks darling in her costume…
I must say I didn’t think too deep..
When the Corpse Bride movie came out...
That the real subject was necrophilia.
Did you?
Happy Halloween…
And which way do your Halloween costumes go?
Cute? Silly? Sexy?
Grisly? Gory? Scary?
I just give out the candy.
Always, Em-Musing