Wednesday, December 12, 2012

...THE END...

It’s now the end of my blogging this year…
Of course, I’ll be back next year…
That is..
Dun dun DUN...
If the end of the Mayan long calendar…
Really is about ending a cycle of the earth…
And it’s not the end of the world.
With my move into my new house this week…
And all that that entails…
Plus my sister coming in today…
And then my travel back to the States for Christmas…
I just don’t see me sitting long enough…
To think...
Let alone blogging and social networking.
So I wish you all Happy Holidays.
But let me ask you one last question…
If 12-21-12 does happen to be the end of the world…
Do you have any regrets so far as your writing?
And if the sun also rises on the 22nd
Will you make changes in 2013?
And what will they be?
Do you have plans for the 21st?
I'll be in Ek Balam, a Mayan ruin...
Watching the sun rise at 5:11.
No matter what...
I'll see you on the other side in 2013...
Always, Em-Musing

Friday, December 7, 2012


I’m a robot?
I’m a robot!
I must be…
Because I can’t prove I’m not.
Every attempt…
On word verification boxes…
To put in the jumbled letters…
I used to be able to put the letters in…
But not anymore.
What does this mean?
Perhaps I’m a robot and don’t know it…
Like in sci-fi novels or movies…
When people think they’re people…
Only to find out they’re not real…
That they’re either a robot or an alien.
Hmm, I can’t remember which movies though…
Oh, wait….
Obviously, I’m not a robot after all…
Because if I was…
My programming wouldn’t let me forget things right?
So, phew! I’m human after all!
But seriously folks…
If you have a blog…
And use those word verification boxes…
For the sake of my sanity…
But more because I really want to leave a comment...
Would you please stop?
How about you?
Do word verifications make you crazy?
Or make feel like a robot?

Always, Em-Musing

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I hate liars…
I might be one soon.
I’ll explain, but first let me start with this….
When you know something…
About someone’s spouse…
And you do not tell…
For fear that what you know would devastate them…
Is that lying?
I don’t think so…
Unless that is…
You’ve made a prior agreement with them…
That if you find out a dirty secret…
They would want you to tell them.
OK, for now I’m in the clear.
But what happens…
When they find out about that dirty secret…
And ask you if I knew?
Then what?
Do you tell the truth, the whole truth…
And nothing but the truth…
Knowing it’s going to devastate them?
Or do you lie?
And let’s say, for arguments sake, you lie…
To save their heart…
And then later they find out you’ve lied…
Won’t that be another betrayal?
But then, if you tell them you knew…
But chose not to tell them…
Won’t they feel like a fool?
Why does life have to be so difficult?
What about you?
What would you do in this situation?
Say nothing?
Tell the truth?
Or lie?
And have you ever been in this situation?
How did it turn out? 
Which one were you?
The betrayed?
Or the liar?

Always, Em-Musing

Monday, December 3, 2012


They say it’s better to give than receive..
Me? I’m reconsidering.
With Christmas soon approaching…
This doesn’t just mean I have to shop…
It means I have to do more thinking
And I have enough to think about already.
If I ask my daughters what they want for Christmas…
They always say…
“Oh, it doesn’t matter. Anything is fine.”
You may want to change that answer…
Because there’s a sale on BBs at Cabela’s…
Or shoe expanders at
Kids, on the other hand…
Always know what they want…
Plus they have Santa to tell their choices to…
And all moms and dads have to do is take notes.
Easy peasy.
Grownups, on the other hand…
Always make my brain scramble…
Because I have to come up with something…
I didn’t give them last year…
Something I can afford….
And something they will really appreciate.
I think there should be a Cyber Santa…
Where adults can go and sit on Cyber Santa’s lap…
And there they can tell him what they want…
Then all we gift givers have to do is…
Check their list.
Think of it like a Santa Registry.
Then all we'd have to do is choose, buy, wrap, and give.
Easy peasy.
Other than sitting there watching with anticipation…
While the gift you’ve given is being opened…
And watching the recipient break out in a big smile…
What about gift giving…
Do you think is better than receiving?

Always, Em-Musing.