Thursday, December 16, 2010


It’s almost 2011…
So will someone please tell me why…
After 27 years…
Microsoft WORD is still a dinosaur?
I was at my daughter’s last night…
I had picked  my grandson up from school…
Then went to her house and made dinner.
(Mexican chicken lime soup w/fried tortillas & taquitos)
My daughter is an environmental scientist…
(yes, mom’s allowed to brag)
She had been at an out-of-town meeting with an angry client…
Regarding a project her company was working on.
The biggest complaint from the client?
Formatting errors on the report due to…
Here it comes
You ain’t gonna believe it…
“Really?” I asked her. “Formatting errors?”
“Yeah. When we cut and pasted info from a previous report–”
“Wait,” I said, “let me guess. The formatting, fonts and paragraph settings
kept defaulting to the document you cut from.”
“It was mess, she said. “Problem was, we had only a few hours to
generate this report, and no one could proof read it.”
Though I’m not an environmental scientist by any stretch of the imagination…
(however I do try to be “green” as often as possible)
Seems WORD and proof-reading
Have brought my writing world…
And my daughter’s science world…
That much closer.
The whole world needs a proof-reader
And I could do without WORD’s idiosyncrasies.
How about you?
Have WORD, have problems?

Always, Em-Musing

1 comment:

Jill Kemerer said...

Yes. Yes. Can I say it again? Yes. Word gives me headaches at times!