Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Last night the lights went out…
Oh well…
I called some friends…
And we met at the marina for dinner…
With candlelight...
And the dolphins swimming just a stone's throw away...
We ate and talked for hours...
And as always…
Our conversations were...well….
So “big puh”, you’re probably saying…
Doesn’t everyone talk real?
Of course I think everyone talks real…
But my point is…
So do the characters in my novels.
And the only reason I bring this up is…
Recently, when I got comments back from an editor…
She said some of my content was gross.
I write in the genre of humorous women’s fiction…
Where women talk, giggle, and howl with laughter…
And many times…
Say things they wouldn’t want anyone else to hear…
Like confessions, and ‘intimate’ details…
And sometimes gross things.
So after last night’s gab fest…
When nothing we said was censored…
I’ve decided I’m not going to censer the voice of my character.
All of her thoughts feelings and conversations…
That resonate with me…
I believe readers will also relate to…
Or at the very least will get a chuckle.
But do tell me…
Do you censor your character’s comments…
For fear of insulting a reader?
Or do you stay true to the character’s nature and personality?

Always, Em-Musing


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Stay true to your character!

L. Diane Wolfe said...

I'm not out there with my characters, but they are true to themselves.

Intangible Hearts said...

I agree with Alex. That editor probably read 50 Shades of Grey and loved it. Hypocrite! Everyone has a gross meter I suppose but they can turn the page.LOL

Shannon Lawrence said...

Definitely stay true to your character! Have you seen The Sweetest Thing or Bridesmaids? I love real, raunchy female humor. It's like we're supposed to be proper all the time in fiction. Pshaw!

Shannon at The Warrior Muse

Jennifer Shirk said...

Hmm...that's a good question. I do think I cater to the reader a bit and soften dialogue, but it also kinda goes with the genre I write too.