One of my favorite things to do…
When I travel…
Is buy a new book and read it on the plane.
This trip...
It was John Grisham’s, THE CONFESSION.
I continued reading it all the while I was in Akumal, Mexico...
And boy, I gotta tell you…
The tension Grisham puts in it…
Is the best I’ve seen in a long time.
As every writer knows…
To build tension…
You, “put your hero up a tree and throw stones at him.”
And Grisham is a master at throwing stones…
Adding conflict, and setting up roadblocks and obstacles.
Each page, each chapter kept me on edge...
How will the hero get out of this mess.?
He's running out of time!!!Oh no!
He killed him? Now what?
Will there be a happy ending?
Well, with one hundred more pages to go…
It was time to pack for my trip to LA.
So now I’m on the plane…
Reach into my purse for THE CONFESSION—Gone!
I checked my carryon—Not there!
OK, I said…when I get to LA…
I’ll check my checked bag—NADA!
Damn it! Are you kidding me?
I’ll go crazy if I don’t know how it ends!
And the problem is…
I know I won’t buy the book again…
I can't find the ending on the Internet, only reviews...
I doubt I’ll take the time to go to the library…
Or to Barnes & Noble and read it there because…
I’ve sold my house…
And I've got two weeks to pack it up and clean it up!
But I need to know...
How does THE CONFESSION end?
So please...
If you know...
Can you help your fellow writer…
And tell me the ending?
Always, Em-Musing