(but more likely my sanity)
I pledge...
To my future retreat guests to have...
Internet with more than one bar...
Tables that you won't knock your knees on...
Running hot water 24 hours a day...
A toilet that flushes efficiently...
Screens so no mosquitoes, tabanos...
Or any other biting creature can get you...
Satelite service so you can use your cell phone...
But more importantly...
You see...I'm staying in a gorgeous villa on the Caribbean...
While I'm here in Akumal starting my spiritual writer's retreat.
(My land is about a half mile away in the jungle)
And while not all of the above happen all at once...
Just one of the above per day is enough to make me cranky..
And adamant...
I will not subject my guests to any of these.
But on a more positive note...
Below are two photos of my land that is being cleared...
By my Mayan workers, Marco and Flore.
(Marco is waaay in the back)
The little furry critters are called coati...
And band together in packs.They live most anywhere...
But these guys came out of the jungle...
By the restaurant I went to.
And so...
I'm leaving for the states again soon...
Where I know I'll have consistent internet...
Catch up with ya'll soon.
Always, Em-Musing
Wow! Very cool.
Welcome to paradise.
We have frequent interruptions of current.
Ah,but think of the stories you'll have to tell.
Thanks for your comments at my blog today. It means a lot.
BUT do you have running water?? I know what you mean, though... Sometimes paradise isn't quite what you expect.
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