Recently, I’ve posted about Shay…
The author in my writer group, MVRWA...
Who writes erotica.
(actually there are three)
Well, a few weeks ago, while in the States…
I went to Panera Prison.
(a weekly gathering of writers)
After the usual “hi, how are ya’s”…
And begging for help on a submission...
I squealed, “Shay! Finger me!”
(sorry to the patrons who might have misconstrued)
But you see, Shay has a powerful finger…
That when she shakes it, it makes you do things…
You might not want do….
Like sitting your arse down and working hard...
To meet your goals.
And I need that kind of domination…
To meet your goals.
And I need that kind of domination…
Especially here in Akumal…
Where I’ve not yet connected with other writers.
(or fingers)
Another writer from MVRWA …
Who found an illustration of and then sent me…
The finger!
At first I didn't get what it was...
And I thought eewww!
This guy’s manhood is so ugly… Someone please give him some underpants.
But then I got it...
And now I'm going to get it.
I'm going to print and cut out that finger...
And paste it by my computer...
So whenever I need a visual thump on the noggin...
To work harder, Harder, HARDER...
I'll look at that finger...
And say, "Thanks Shay, you dominatrix you."
Do you use tricks, methods, music, or mindsets...
To work hard to meet your goals?
To work hard to meet your goals?
Always, Em-Musing