I’d like to thank Ilima Kahokuhealani Todd….
For this award.

To accept, I've got to write
Seven things about me...
And pass it on to 5 unsuspecting bloggers.
So, here goes.
1) When I was a kid, I’d sleep with the blankets
pulled up over my head in the summer because
I was afraid Dracula would come through my
screenless window and make me a vampire.
2) Because I got caught chewing gum in class,
I had to memorize and recite the Declaration
of Independence. I memorized, but was too
shy to stand in front of the class so I took
a week long detention instead.
I had to memorize and recite the Declaration
of Independence. I memorized, but was too
shy to stand in front of the class so I took
a week long detention instead.
3) When I was a radio DJ, I accepted a gig to do
a bike run to the local orphanage. But I was
thinking bicycle bikes, not Harley’s. When I
showed up at the Harley Davidson store (that
should have been a clue), there were hundreds
of bikers all leathered up. They outfitted me up,
chaps and all and away we went. Trust me,
there's nothing like the smell of hundreds of
Harleys revving in the morning.
there's nothing like the smell of hundreds of
Harleys revving in the morning.
4) The first three radio commercials I ever wrote
took Gold ADDY Awards. Radio spots are still
my favorite thing to write.
took Gold ADDY Awards. Radio spots are still
my favorite thing to write.
5) I once took acting lessons from Uta Hagen,
grand dame of Broadway. I did well my first
monologue, but for the second one, she ripped
my performance to shreds. I was so hurt I
grabbed my props and took off. After a while,
I heard my friend ask,“Has anyone seen
Leigh?” A crowd of people then found me
balling like a baby in the attic of the
theater.Too bad I couldn’t act my way out
of that scene.
6) I cry when I hear the Star Spangled Banner.
7) I am a Christian.
Now, I'll pass this on to:
Shay Lacy
Jenna Rutland
Constance Phillips
Jill Kemerer
Wendy Burke
Take it away ladies.
And speaking of away...
Leaving for the Sates again...
See you back mid-next week.
Always, Em-Musng
grand dame of Broadway. I did well my first
monologue, but for the second one, she ripped
my performance to shreds. I was so hurt I
grabbed my props and took off. After a while,
I heard my friend ask,“Has anyone seen
Leigh?” A crowd of people then found me
balling like a baby in the attic of the
theater.Too bad I couldn’t act my way out
of that scene.
6) I cry when I hear the Star Spangled Banner.
7) I am a Christian.
Now, I'll pass this on to:
Shay Lacy
Jenna Rutland
Constance Phillips
Jill Kemerer
Wendy Burke
Take it away ladies.
And speaking of away...
Leaving for the Sates again...
See you back mid-next week.
Always, Em-Musng
Leigh, I feel like I know you better now--very interesting facts and congrats on the award!
Congratulations! Too shy to recite the the Declaration of Independence and yet you became a DJ. Bet that teacher never predicted that happening. And number seven - Amen!
aw, I loved your theater story! lol And when I was a kid, I kept dracula's cape from a halloween costume and wore it to bed. So, you know, the vampires would think I was just one of them and obstain from sucking me dry:) Congrats on your award!
Awww, you're a sensitive soul.
I cry when I hear the Star-Spangled Banner too! Every time. And when I hear O' Holy Night.
Those vampires (and other creatures of the night) were after me as well!
Loved getting to know you better! :)
Have a safe trip!
I love hearing the more personal side of the writer-bloggers I know. Thanks for sharing, Leigh.
I love these facts, they are all so book character worthy. :) Thanks for participating!
Congratulations Leigh! Well deserved. We've known each other for ?? years and I only knew about numbers 4 and 7. Go figure. More stories to share. Safe voyage tonight.
Congratulations on the award and I love your personal story about acting and the Star Spangled Banner.
Leigh, there is no way I can top some of those stories.
I have 21/2 of those in common with you..well, maybe 2 1/4
#1, yes! I used to be afraid of the whole being attacked by monsters at night thing too!
I've been on the back of a Harley a couple times. Pure Heaven.
I was an ad-woman for a while. I never won an Addy! How awesome are you? And, man, I haven't heard the name Uta Hagen in a long time.
Congratulations on your award! I can relate to being shy, but not sure I would have take a week of detention :).
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