It’s the monthly blog hop/ known as the Insecure Writers Support Group founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. You’re invited to join if you're a writer, insecure, or just supportive of writers. It happens the first Wednesday of each month, and it would be sweet of you to visit at least a dozen or so new blogs and leave a comment. Your words are appreciated. Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG. Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
The awesome co-hosts for the July 7 posting of the IWSG are Pat Garcia, Victoria Marie Lees, and Louise – Fundy Blue!
July 7th optional question - What would make you quit writing?
What would make me quit writing?
It would have to be the end of the world.
Let’s say if one day...
We were told a solar flare, meteor or asteroid...

I doubt I’d want to spend my last moments writing...
I would spend it with my family, of course.
But I wonder...
Would we eat?
What would my last meal be?
Would I have to cook it?
But on the upside...
I wouldn’t worry about those 10 extra pounds...
I could eat anything I wanted and as much as I wanted...
Like mountains of mint chocolate chip ice cream...
( Note: make sure to keep the freezer stocked with it)
And, I wonder if on the other “side”...
Writing is something that happens?
What do you think?
I mean...
Think about all the billions of writings throughout history...
Do they mean anything up “there”?
What would make you quit writing?
And what would your last meal be?
P.S.July 3, 2021— a HUGE solar flair want off, the largest since the other HUGE flair in 2017
I ponder that last meal question a lot. My problem is there are too many foods I love. Last time I came up with an answer, I said my last meal would have to include a luscious bowl of clam chowder. But what about a finely seasoned, and perfectly cooked steak? Or a expertly sauteed zucchini? Or fresh tomatoes and just-picked basil. How about a strawberry, just off the vine. Or a piece blueberry pie. A seared scallop fresh out of the sea. A Baltimore crab cake. Then there's bread pudding...don't get me started on that...
Honestly, if I knew it was the last day, I'd hug my family, eat what was in the fridge...or not eat at all because I'd be too busy worrying about what is next, and like you, whether writing would be available on the other side.
Thanks for giving me a fun writing exercise this morning!
Good questions. I don't know what my last meal would be like. However, I do think I would keep writing until the end.
Have a great month and take care.
Shalom aleichem,
Pat G @ EverythingMustChange
My last meal would be at the Mellow Mushroom - best vegan food anywhere!
I could see you writing on the other side of a disaster with all your questions about your last meal. Not sure what mine would be.
I think the writing means even more on the other side.
The end of the world would make all of us stop writing :)
I don't know what my last meal would be, but I definitely wouldn't worry about packing on the pounds, either!
If I could choose and plan out my last meal it would include a good wine, good dark chocolate, and end with a strong coffee. In reality, however, I don't think most of us get to choose what our last meal is. If a natural disaster hit that destroyed most of humanity the last meal, I'm afraid, would more likely be the one can of baked beans that had been lying around forever that you can actually manage to get open washed down with some spoiled milk. Yuck!
The last 24 hours is fertile ground for imagination. I don't know about writing on the other side, but perhaps we never really die because our writing sticks around for future generations to discover. Hopefully, anyway!
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