It’s the monthly blog hop/ known as the Insecure Writers Support Group founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh. You’re invited to join if you're a writer, insecure, or just supportive of writers. It happens the first Wednesday of each month, and it would be sweet of you to visit at least a dozen or so new blogs and leave a comment. Your words are appreciated. Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG. Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
The awesome co-hosts for the September 1 posting of the IWSG are Rebecca Douglass, T. Powell Coltrin @Journaling Woman, Natalie Aguirre, Karen Lynn, and C. Lee McKenzie!
September 1 question - How do you define success as a writer? Is it holding your book in your hand? Having a short story published? Making a certain amount of income from your writing?
I've been a copywriter for decades...
So, writing something and having it published or produced...
Always felt successful.
Not to mention getting paid was great.
But for me...
Writing a novel and getting it published meant real success.
Two years ago...
I pulled out an old manuscript...
Edited my heart out and self-pub’d.
Trust me...
That monumental feat alone felt successful...
As I’m sure other self-pub’d authors have felt.
And then just the other night...
I was watching a YouTube video with my daughter...
When she said, “Mom! This is the story in your book!”
Yup! It is.
Well, truth be told...
I fictionalized parts cause that’s what we authors do, right?
But seeing the visuals...
And hearing the voiceover telling the story...
I didn’t feel successful...
I felt validated...
That all my years of research was spot on.
Because back then...
Doing research wasn’t a simple Google click away.
So? What about you?
When do you feel success?
And is success the same as validation?
In case you haven’t seen the Video Trailer for my book, Azael's Lot here it is.