It’s the Monthly Blog Hop for the Insecure Writers Support Group founded by Alex J. Cavanaugh.
The first Wednesday of every month, an optional question is announced that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience, or even a story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post. Remember, the question optional.
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.
The awesome co-hosts for the March 5 posting of the IWSG are Ronel Janse Van Vuuren, Pat Garcia, and Liza @ Middle Passages!
March 5 question - If for one day you could be anyone or *thing* in the world, what would it be? Describe, tell why, and any themes, goals, or values they/it inspire in you.
If I could be “anything”...
I’d be the Universe...
During my 24 hours...
My mind would expand to understand everything...
I’d learn all the Universes’ secrets...
I’d see other creations...
On other planets in other galaxies...
When and how they came into being...
What life forms were/are there...
I’d see the Past, Present, and Future of earth...
But wait...
On second thought...
I wouldn’t want to see the future of earth...
If we’re going to go BOOM!
So instead...
If I could be “anyone”...
I ‘d be a super-duper Fairy Godmother...
But there’d be a couple of catches...
1) You could go back in time to view or relive moments but you couldn’t change anything because that could alter other’s lives.
2) Your dream would expire after 24 hours.
I’d go back in time to my first kiss
But not the awkward teenage kiss with braces and pimples...
The real one...
When I’m kissing the first person I fell in love with...
I would replay that one as many times in 24 hours as I could...
Because no other kiss compares.
And you?
Who or what would you be?
Your answer is so creative. Being a fairy godmother could be fun.
Interesting choices. Be cool to help others realize their dreams.
Interesting choices. The last one is probably the best :-)
Ronel visiting for IWSG day Tips For Author Success in 2025
The universe - wow! Not sure I could handle all that knowledge.
Anonymously Esther O'Neill, East of the Sun. no gmail, no signal 0G. What a stunning and superbly ambitious response.... Hope you can share bthe answers you find.
I didn't go for infinite capabilities. My choice was far more conservative. Shakespeare to be exact.
I wouldn't want to be the universe either. it would break my heart to see how nature is abused.
Well kudos to you, Leigh! Go big or go home. You went the biggest! I would love to understand the universe from beginning to end. I keep hoping someday I will. Happy IWSG Day!
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