Thursday, August 1, 2013


You know how people always say…
“When one door closes, another one opens”
Well, I’ve had a door close on me recently…
And I’ve been waiting for another door to open…
But I wonder…
When that proverbial door finally appears…
Which way will the door swing?
I guess I’ve always pictured the new door…
Swinging inwards towards me…
As if some unseen force…
Is doing the opening…
And I play no part in this new destiny of mine…
And all I have to do is walk through.
But what if the opens outwards?
And in order for it to be opened…
I first have to knock…
And then I wonder…
Who will answer?
And what’s beyond the door?
I guess first…
I need to be on the lookout for a new door…
And then make the choice…
To open the door…
And go through.
Or close it and look for another…
Or stay static.
Have you ever had a new door come to you?
How did you recognize it?
And did you go through?

On another note...
I will be traveling back to the States...
For some much needed family time...
So I'll catch up with y'all in a week or two.

Always, Em-Musing


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

For me, a new door is always uncomfortable. It's not an easy path. That's how I know it's the one God wants me to choose.
Safe travels, Leigh, and we'll see you next week. Maybe you'll find your door during that time.

Adam said...
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Adam said...

Hopefully any metaphorical door won't fall off last like my last real door.

Intangible Hearts said...

"Knock and it shall be opened?" Isn't that how it goes. Good luck with everything and have fun in the states.

Gina Gao said...

I don't really like new things because its scary.

Romance Reader said...

...Sigh! I wish new doors opened so readily!


Anne Gallagher said...

Maybe your new door will be a screen door and you'll be able to see right through it. Make it easy to decide whether to open it or not.

Have fun in the states. See you when you get back.

Misha Gerrick said...

I see any opportunity as a door. Some do really open on their own. Others I have to knock and see what happens. If that door just won't open, I move on. :-)

farawayeyes said...

Ah, the proverbial 'new door'. I wholehearted believe that change is good, but hard. I'm always on the lookout for that new door, because I know they are right there, just beyond our current range of vision.

Have a great time in the States with your family.