Friday, December 3, 2010


4:45 A.M.
The day started off OK…
I blogged, social networked…
But somewhere between my coffee and my shower…
It felt like layers of different days were intruding into each other.
(Lord! Am I still dreaming?)
I took a shower, hoping the steam…
Would clear either my clogged sinuses
Or at least the images that kept flooding into my brain…
From yesterday, today and…
(I knew it! Impending insanity!)
I went downstairs, took the 2 x 4 away from bracing the door…
(Just so the EMS could get in if I was reported missing for 3 days)
And turned on TV, hoping to get a grip on reality with the news.
But when I clicked on the remote…
Last night’s channel was still on–HBO
And the documentary, "Public Speaking" about Fran Lebowitz
Was just starting (produced by Martin Scorsese).
Silly me, as I went and got a carbonated bottle of water…
(I’m prone to tachycardia and burping helps)
I was thinking that the show was about Annie Leibovitz, the photographer.
Easy mistake Annie/Franny  Leibovitz/Lebowitz)
I sat on the couch, took a swig waiting to belch…
And watched the entire documentary on Fran Lebowitz.
See how the universe works?
I NEVER take mid-morning TV breaks…
So if it wasn’t for me freaking out  thinking I was having…
A bursting aneurism, a heart attack, or going crazy…
I never would have caught this documentary of Fran Lebowitz.
I think I’m in love!
Could the woman be more funny? Sardonic? Iconic?
And lord! Where have I been all my adult life not to know—she’s a writer.
(living a Midwest life)
So now, I will of course Google everything I can about Fran…
And she may inspire my blog posts for next week too.
So hey! If you don't like the posts, don’t blame me
Blame the universe.

Always, Em-Musing

1 comment:

Joanne said...

Life often turns us onto unexpected paths, doesn't it? Sometimes those are the most fun. Looking forward to your Fran posts ...