Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I'm off to Akumal, Mexico today...
I'll catch up with my blogging posts...
In 2012...
And the exciting thing about 2012 is...
I'll be living in Akumal when 12.21.12 occurs.
I'm sure you're aware that 12.21.12...
Marks the end of the Mayan calendar...
And many doomsdayers believe...
That the Mayans predicted the end of the world.
The local Mayans laugh at all the hoopla though...
Explaining that this date marks the end...
Of the Mayan long count calendar cycle...
Signifying that the earth....
Will move into its fifth cycle...
Heralding in a new consciousness.
On the other end of the spectrum...
Scientists have proven...
That our solar system...
Has already experienced...
A change in the cosmic energy...
That will continue into 2012..
Causing a shift in the earth's axis...
And affecting changes in temperature, daylight hours...
Winds, and even how the stars appear in the sky.
New Agers also have their spin on this date...
Combining science with spirituality.
What's your take?
What do you think will happen  on 12.21.12?

Always, Em-Musing


Misha Gerrick said...

Hehehe I don't know. I think it's useless to worry about it, since we'll all just have to deal with the changes (if they occur) when they happen. There's no way to prepare for it, so what can we do?

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

It will be cold as shit outside. Aside from that, nothing. I'm jealous you are living in paradise. I should make my resolution to travel to Mexico, if for anything, to sip margheritas on the beach while shirtless men stroll on by.

Misha Gerrick said...

Just stopped by to wish you a wonderful New Year, whether it is or isn't our last. ;-)

Steven Page said...

well, have a good time in Mejico. I look forward to your return to posting.

Colleen said...

I'm pretty sure nothing is going to happen. I thought for a while that a great tidal wave might engulf the earth after the poles shifted, but then I realized that if that particular conspiracy theory was true, then the opposite ones are probably true too--that aliens are going to make sure nothing bad happens to people who don't have that as their intended destiny. So it cancels out and we continue having nothing happen. At least it serves me best to think that.

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