Friday, March 2, 2012


I went with some friends to a casino last night…
I’m not much of a gambler…
But it was something to do.
I mean I can’t send queries 24/7.
As I walked in…
Colorful animated graphics dazzled my eyes..
Exciting electronic sounds filled the air…
People mesmerized…
Sat in front of slot machines anticipating.
Wow, I thought, they’re intense, focused.
Is this merely fun for them?
Or is it an addiction?
This morning…
After only 4 hours of sleep
I couldn’t wait to get up and get the day going.
I booted up my computer…
Watched colorful graphics pop up on my screen…
Turned on my favorite Internet radio station…
And began writing this post…
Then, anticipating, I checked my email inbox.
And that’s when it occurred to me…
Sitting in front of my computer…
Throwing in time instead of money…
And anticipating a payoff…
Did an agent request a partial?
Or a full?
Will they want to represent me?
When will I get published?
And what about my blog?
Did anyone respond to yesterday’s post?
Would I get another follower?
Is like gambling, no?
And when I said my blog was going dark…
I got withdrawal symptoms.
Because I can NOT stay away…
And that’s called withdrawal symptoms, no?
Which means I have a blogging addiction, yes?
Am I the only one?
Would you call your writing/blogging an addiction?
And do you ever feel like a gambler...
Betting in a publishing casino...
Even though you know the odds are against you?

Always, Em-Musing


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Interesting analogy. Yes, it has become a bit of an addiction.

Joanne said...

I wouldn't really call it an addiction, but more of a passion. I started my blog as an extension of my manuscript, finding a theme in the story to explore with the blog, that of living the lives we love. It's worked well as a way to explore the book and expand its ideas. And in the end, writing is merely a part of who I am.

farawayeyes said...

I call it therapy, most days.

Jennifer Shirk said...

Ha! I like that analogy of throwing time instead of money.
Sometimes I feel that way, but at least with writing you do have something tangible as a pay-off, whether it gets pubbed or not.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

Most of life is a gamble. I've discovered that without taking chances and risking something, life isn't as exciting.

Anonymous said...

When I reflect on the definition of an addiction, I think there are often blurrings between being passionate about something and not being able to do without it. I also hope the other major consideration is whether the activity causes harm to oneself or others. The blogosphere has really filled a bit of a void in my life at present and I am extremely grateful for the connection and benefits I receive through reading other people's stories and journeys. So I guess I really do like my daily 'fix'. I still regard my computer as a friend and not the potential enemy that a poker machine could become.

Lydia Kang said...

So much like gambling, for sure. We may not pay with quarters, but with our time, and emotions, and hopes, and lost sleep.

Anne Gallagher said...

Blogging used to be an addiction for me. Following commenting writing. Now, not so much. Now it's all about the writing and what I'm doing with that. THAT's become the addiction.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Yes I can see the analogy.

I have been a blogging addict, so my cure was to give myself a week long blog break and it worked. The earth did not stop because I wasn't blogging a may have lost a few followers, but I actually gained a few too and I felt all the better for the break, so now I regularly schedule blog breaks.