When I entered my kitchen this morning…
To make coffee—OW!
I stubbed my toe—again!
And it’s not because I’m a klutz…
Although I’ve been known to be one…
But rather it’s because there is no toe kick…
And that’s not all that’s wrong in this kitchen either…
The counters are not high enough…
So I’m forever leaning over at an angle…
That hurts my back.
And there is no logic to how the cabinets are placed…
The whole room just doesn’t function well.
And then suddenly…
Like a spark of lightening…
A thought struck…
I didn’t see this kitchen being built…
Let alone see the builder who built it…
In fact, I don’t even know who the builder is…
And the flow of this kitchen…
Defies intelligent design.
The only conclusion I can come up with is…
My kitchen came into existence by mere chance…
Random molecules of wood, ceramic tile, and stainless steel…
Must have either BANGED into each other haphazardly…
Or swam around in some primordial tropical soup…
And after some “time”—voila! The kitchen appeared…
With sink, cabinets, countertop…
And all the appliances in place.
No, it’s not perfect…
But I believe that after enough “time”…
This kitchen will evolve and be flawless.
For now though….
I’m just wondering…
How long will it take my coffeemaker…
To advance into a higher species…
And become an espresso machine?
Always, Em-Musing