Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I’m taking yoga now…
Besides the health benefits…
For my injured hip…
And to learn to meditate better…
Yoga has given me an excuse.
Scenario: Yoga class
Breath deep through the nose, the instructor said…
Expanding your ribcage, bigger, bigger.
Now exhale through the nose deeply…
As if your belly button is touching the floor.
Deeper. Get out all the air.”
Uh oh!
I felt air movement…
But not from my lungs…
“Now lets bring your knees to your chest.”
Oh NO!
Why did I eat the glutinous pizza crust last night?
Maybe it was the onions?
"Leigh, bring your knees to your chest."
"Un momento, por favor."
“Are you OK, Leigh? You look like you're in pain."
Of course I wasn’t OK…
I was trying to squelch a depth charge... 
from detonating out my rear.
I squeezed hard, hoping the air in there..
Would miraculously dissipate.
"Leigh, want to tell me what’s going on?
You look preoccupied."
"Well, you see…
I’m a bit gassy today."
"You have to fart?"
Well, I wouldn’t have been that blunt.
"It’s prana…
Prana is Life force and that means air…
Prana is the prime mover of all activity...
It’s good that prana moves."
"Yes, let prana move through you."
Alrighty then.
I did…
I let prana move.
All I can say is…
Thank God this was a private lesson.
But what a great excuse, no?
If you're ever gassy at a party say....
And you have to let one rip...
Just smile and say...
“It's OK. It's yoga I’m just releasing prana."
Take yoga?

Always, Em-Musing


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That gave me a good chuckle! At least she gave you permission.

Adam said...

I wouldn't last very long in yoga, I can't stretch very much.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I'd like to take Yoga if I had the time. Problem is, the whole 8-5 work week leaves me tired at the end of the day.

Suzanne Furness said...

Just off to my yoga class now, will watch out for that one!

DL Hammons said...

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)