Wednesday, January 13, 2016


As John Lennon wrote in one of his songs...
Another year over...
And a new one just begun...
For me...
This year begins with much excitement...

And anticipation...
I have several projects already in the works...
And literally on January first...
I found a beta reader for one of my manuscripts...
That I will get published this year...
With an Indie publishing house.
This manuscript is NA dark fantasy...
(not the current genre I write in)
And has been lingering in my computer...
For far too long. It’s time!
Tah, tah, tah DAH!!
 I, along with another published writer... 
Am opening...
Here on the Riviera Maya...
At a fabulous place called Taninah.
The web page is being designed now...
And I will post it as soon as it is finished.
It will be a retreat like no other...
OK, and yes, of course...
Some elements will be like other retreats...
But this retreat will focus on...
Well, I’ll let the web page explain more later.
And of course, I will bring in an agent...
Publisher, or editor plus other guest speakers. 
would love your input...
If you were attending a writer retreat...
What would you expect for your investment?
How many days would be good for you?
Have you ever attended a writer retreat?
What was your experience?
And last but not least...
Are YOU or do you know of any... 
Guest speakers, agents, or editors?




Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Congratulations on the acceptance of your manuscript and finding a beta reader!
Retreat sounds awesome. Let me know when the site is ready and I'll make an announcement.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

A writing retreat - how wonderful. If you are looking for speakers, Google Mexican authors and publishers and go from there.

Crystal Collier said...

I ogle writing retreats the way I ogle trips to Hawaii or Europe--not that I'll ever get there, but a girl can dream. (That's why we write, right?) ;) I hope you have the most epic time, ever, and I'm so excited for you with your book!

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

How wonderful on all counts: The book that's soon to be published, the beta reader, the retreat you are offering. Like Alex, if you let me know (maybe on my FB Timeline), I'll announce it.

Leigh Caron said...

Thanks everyone for your offers and input.

A Beer for the Shower said...

We love writers retreats. That's how we found our ex-agent (he turned out to be a piece of crap, but the retreat was still nice). It was for a weekend - came up Friday night, left Sunday afternoon, and that seemed like the perfect amount of time. For our last retreat, we sent the first 10,000 words of our manuscript to the retreat master, and they shared it with all agents/editors/writers, who then met with each writer for 10 minutes to discuss it. It was kinda cool seeing everyone's opinions, and what they thought needed improving/changing. Like, our ex-agent absolutely loved my story and said not to change a thing. Another agent, meanwhile, said I should change it into a kids book. Uh, that would have been a terrible idea.

Misha Gerrick said...

Your writer's retreat sounds amazing! All the best with getting everything arranged. :-)

Let me know if you want me to give you a signal boost on a Tuesday. (I'm trying to do a regular weekly news feature on the day.)