Wednesday, May 15, 2019


People often say they don’t have time to read...
But aren’t we a multi-task culture now?
Can’t we find time to read and do something else?
But what else can we do while reading...
That won’t involve anything physical? 
How about reading in the loo?
Think about it...
You’re having a ‘nature call’...
And that involves some precious time...
So I’ve devised a way to use this time for reading:
Note: being seated is required. 
Here goes: 
A pee = a paragraph
A poop = a page
Constipation = a chapter
It may take months...
But in the end...
(pun intended)
You can wipe that book
Off of your to-be-read pile.

How and where do you find time to read?


For whatever reason- that I think has something to do with Blogger's new settings - I cannot leave comments on some people's blog.
So please don’t think I’m rude. If you comment on my blog and you don’t see that I have commented back on yours its not because I didn’t try. I did. Several times. 


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's one of the times I read.

Patsy said...

I think most of us do have time to read – we just waste it doing other things such as watching TV, scrolling through Facebook or doing the ironing.

Powdered Toast Man said...

I love to poop and read. If I only could read in the shower.

Satta King said...

Focus on specific tasks if time management. Many people do not good at multi-tasking. Doing multiple things at once will confuse and exhaust you reducing the quality of work you do. Take a minute to relax and breathe as you work on when the first one is done.
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