July 3 question: What personal traits have you written into your
My W.I.P. series titled:
Is based on a true
story—mine of course...
So of course it
includes all my personal traits...
The good, the not
so good, and the—please forgive me!
When I sent it to an editor...
She replied
“It reads more like
a journal. And while it’s interesting, it’s not engaging.”
“But it’s about me.
What really happened.”
“Many writers think
their lives are interesting, however that doesn’t always mean it is interesting
to readers.“
While I wanted to
defend my manuscript (my life)...
I got it. I knew
what she meant.
“So should I write
it as a memoir?
“Not unless you’re
sure that the characters in your story will like how you’ve portrayed them.
They may have different memories of how an event took place. Many authors have
faced the wrath from a friend or loved one.”
“So should I scrap
the whole thing?”
“No. The story is good; your writing is good. Why not write it as fiction based on a true story. That way you’re not limited. You’ll have liberties. And free to ante up the humor being that the genre is humorus women’s fiction.
So I did...
And I am.
How about you?
Do you put your
personal traits in your novels?
And if so - which ones?
I think that's awesome how you took the editor's advice to make some major changes to your story. I'm learning to listen to my critique partners more. And if something isn't working for them, I change it and make my story better.
Smart move! We don't like to hear when something doesn't work, but at least she gave you a solution.
Looks like you got some solid advice. Good luck as you move forward with your story.
That is smart advice. We published a book that was fiction based on a true story and it moved people who read it.
Critique is much easier to take if it is offered with some helpful suggestions. It sounds like your editor has helped you more your story forward and that's awesome. Best of luck with your fiction based life story.
Good for you finding a way to use all that you wrote. I love humorous women's fiction.
Sounds like that editor opened up a whole new direction for your writing. A very positive interaction. BTW, did you change your header recently? It looks like you're exploring the jungle - fun!
I have yet to write a novel but I put myself into my blog posts. Gotta stick with what ya know, ya know.
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