Friday, January 1, 2010


I was driving yesterday to my daughter’s house to baby-sit.
It was the morning of New Year’s Eve.
I was bopping to Miley Cyrus’ “Party in the USA” when I realized . . .
I was behind a hearse.
I’m not particularly superstitious . . .
But I didn’t like that there was a hearse on the same road as me . . .
On New Years Eve.
I guess the Grim Reaper came to mind.
Was it an omen?
A portent?
A harbinger?
(I know, thesaurus overkill)
Anyway . . .
I wondered why the hearse was by itself.
Usually there's a funeral procession following behind.
And it was early in the morning.
Was it going to pick up a body?
But is it the hearse that picks up dead bodies?
Or only drives the body to the cemetery?
Anyway . . .
I was getting creeped out by these morbid thoughts . . .
When I realized that . . .
The hearse was in front of me . . .
Not behind me.
So, I guess if I needed to find a message with this scenario . . .
It would be that death was in my future . . .
Not sneaking up and trying to “get” me.
I then noticed the hearse do something interesting.
It was a two lane road we were driving on . . .
The car ahead of the hearse was driving very slowly . . .
And the hearse kept veering left as if to pass . . .
But an oncoming car was approaching in the opposite lane.
Yikes! Would the hearse do it?
Would it take a chance?
I felt my chest tighten with visions of a smash-up.
Suddenly, the hearse swerved into the opposite lane . . .
The oncoming car was getting closer . . .
Lord! If the hearse was going to pass, it'd have to gun it . . .
It did it!
Just in the nick of time!
I think I just saw death cheat death!
As I relaxed, I realized that if there was a message from this hearse . . .
It wasn't me eluding death in the new year . . .
It was daring to take a chance.
Me, taking a chance with my writing.
Me, pitching to agents at writer conventions.
Me, sending out as many queries as there are agents in my genre.
Me, figuring out a marketing plan.
Me . . .
Doing whatever it takes . . .
To get published.
This new year.

Always, Em-Musing

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