So yesterday I gave away who the author was…
Of the book that I loved—Lit…
But whose protagonist I hated.
This is a memoir…
Written by Mary Karr…
About Mary Karr.
That’s not very nice of me, is it?
I am in love with not just by Ms. Karr’s craft…
But with Ms. Karr…
Her courage, her tenacity, her Christianity, and…
Her passion.
She did drugs and booze with a passion…
She went down into depression with a passion…
Then came up from depression and found God with a passion…
Sometimes praying on her knees for hours!
And it’s her passion that sings and rings loudest in her book.
And that got me analyzing…
My passion.
While I’m a whiner for sure…
Is my passion stronger than my whining?
Is my desire for publication bigger than my doubts?
And is praying on your knees proof of passion?
I don’t know…
Because surely I have never prayed on my knees for hours.
What I do know is, I’m hooked on Mary Karr…
And I will go back an start reading her first memoir—The Liar’s Club…
Then on to her second—Cherry…
And I may re-read—Lit because...
God! She's a great writer!
What about you?
How deep is your passion for writing?
And have you read any of Mary Karr’s memoirs?
I once had a man ask me what my passion was. I thought he meant him. He didn't. My passion is and always was writing. So I'm glad that all the roads in my life, bumpy or smooth have led me to right here, right now, doing my passion.
I was once dating a guy who was "perfect." You know, good looking, great manors, attentive but not clingy, great in bed, everyone liked him, etc. But after a while I wasn't feeling it and I realized that it was because he lacked passion. He didn't have things that he was passionate about - and it wound up ending our relationship.
My passion for writing is pretty deep and like you, I am plagued with self-doubt. It's important for us in the blogging community to reach out and support one another from time-to-time. So I'm offering this...I believe in you, I believe in your abilities, and I believe you will realize your dreams and publish. You can do this. You are extremely talented.
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