Not much blog fodder this morning…
Guess my mind…
Is cluttered thinking of all the stuff in my apartment…
Yet to pack…
And even more things…
Yet to pitch and—.
“Yo Leigh! What about me?”
“Huh? Who’s talking to me? My conscience?
“No air brain. I’m your manuscript.”
“The one you started pitching last year then quit.”
“Well, um…you see…I’ve been busy—”
“Oh, buzy smizy. What about pitching me next month?”
“February? Well yes... yes I—”
“You got a killer query now and most agents want e-queries.”
“Well, yes, I know that and—”
“By the way that query letter took way too long to write.”
“Yes…yes it did, but to my defense—”
“So what’ll be your excuse this year? Too many margaritas?"
“No, not at all. I don’t drink that much—”
“Look, I’m sick of just existing only in your computer…
Get me out of here into the hands of an agent. i want to be
published! Comprende?”
“Si… yes…absolutely. Definitely!”
“So what are you doing sitting here talking with me, air brain?
Get to work! You gotta be out of by the 31st! Do what you
have to do, make your move to Mexico—then pitch me.”
What's your conscience bugging you about this year?
Got any projects still on the back burner?
Always, Em-Musing