I was thinking this morning while…
Well, no need for details...
Of the type of man I’ve always been intrigued with…
And always...
It’s a bad boy with a sweet heart.
But does this type of man exist?
He does in my novels…
But what about in real life?
Is “bad boy/sweet heart” an oxymoron?
And why is the bad boy bad?
Dysfunction childhood?
Alcohol/ drugs?
Gang member?
Or maybe...
As I like to think of him...
He's just a misunderstood soul...
Who needs someone to love and understand him.
Then there's the flip side of the tortilla...
A good boy with a bad heart.
Have you encountered one of these…
In real life or fiction?
And what’s behind that personality veneer?
Sociopath? Narcisist?
(Hmm? I think I dated a few way back when)
So writers…
And readers…
What kind of guy/hero do you write about or like to read about?
What kind of guy or gal attracts you in real life?
Always, Em-Musing
Ooh, that's easy. I'm with you: bad boy with a sweet heart.
Ha! Been there done that. Good guy, bad boy, good heart, bad. Yeah, I'm not that into that anymore. They're misunderstood because they like it that way.
My fictional men are all hung up in some way shape or form about love. Finding it keeping it wanting it not knowing they want it and when they do find it don't have a clue what to do about it.
As for me, you know, I gotta say, Donny Osmond was a big hit with me way back when, and if he'd get rid of the botox, he still would be.
Sorry, I'm boring - I'm a good guy with a good heart. And I like women who are the same.
I write Good Boy/Good heart. I like Bad Boy/Good hear. Heck, I married two of 'em. Not at the same time of course. I leave you to wonder how that worked out for me.
Bad boy/ Good Heart not hear, but then hearing is important too. Especially when you talk as much as I do.
I like any characters that have more to them than meets the eye.
So bad guy with a good heart or vice versa makes for good reading. :-)
I like to write bad boys who've learned their lessons the very, very hard way and have been humbled in some way. In real life, well... maybe I shouldn't say here. ;)
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