Wednesday, August 21, 2013


There is nothing that satiates a writer’s soul…
(at least mine)
Like the company of other writers.
On my travels back to the States…
I met with seven of my writer buds…
Two actually took time off work to be with me…
THAT’s what you call friend.
We met early one morning at Panera’s…
Breakfast extended into lunch.
When I left…
My muse was energized.
Of course we’ve always stayed in touch via electronics…
But it’s not the same as being there…
In the now…
I love being in the company…
Of those who fill more than my cup of coffee.
What about you?
Who can you be ‘now’ with?
Who renews your writing soul?

Always, Em-Musing


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Hanging at Panera - I could do that.
I don't think I have many writer friends I could hang with in person, but the people in my band renew my music.

farawayeyes said...

That sounds like a fun time.

Intangible Hearts said...

Right now I'm going through a rough patch as far as friendships because my book came out this year and not everyone wants to read it and they are worried I will ask them to read it or if they read it I'll question them about it. (LOL-tension filled party moments) Those friends who read it and reviewed it are still friends and they renew me.

Misha Gerrick said...

Sounds wonderful! Right now, all the people I like to be in the now with are miles and miles away. :-(

A Beer for the Shower said...

All of the writers that we know live much too far away. But when we do get together with them (yearly), it definitely renews and inspires the creative juices.

Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Well some of my writer friends and I meet regularly at Paneras. I always come away energized.