late 1800’s – mid 1950’s

Mary Roberts Rinehart (1876-1958) was one of the most popular early
mystery American authors. She trained as a nurse but married a doctor four days after
graduation. In her spare time, while raising her three sons, she wrote for the early pulp magazines.
One of her stories was
cover-featured in the debut issue of New
Mystery Adventures in 1935.
When the depression hit, she turned
to writing novels to earn more money.
The phrase "The butler did it," that has become a cliché, came from her novel, The Door. She is also credited with inventing the, “Had-I-but-Known" school of mystery writing.
She also created
“the Bat”, a costumed super-criminal and cited by Bob Kane as one of the inspirations for his character, “Batman”.
Many of her books were bestsellers and some, along with her plays, were adapted for movies,
“Rinehart’s literary distinction
lies in the combination of love, humor and murder that she wove into her tales.
. . . She helped the mystery story grow up.” —New York Times
Helen Reilly was a prolific author of mystery
novels, whose career stretched from 1930 to 1962. All except her very
earliest books feature New York City police Inspector Christopher McKee and
were among the first American novels to stress police procedure.
had some contact with pulp magazines. Her second McKee novel,Murder in the Mews (1931), was serialized in
Street and Smith's Detective Story Magazine, and she published a handful of
short stories in other pulps.
However, the novel
serialization could easily have been arranged by an agent or a publisher, and
Reilly's degree of contact with the world of pulp writing seems restricted.
I've never read Rhineheart but my mother loved her books. Maybe someday....
Meet My Imaginary Friends
Great info - I don't think I've ever heard of either. Will check them out!
I always wondered who was the one to make the butler the culprit. Thanks for that.
Liz A. from Laws of Gravity
& Unicorn Bell ("Rewind")
Cheers for Mary and Helen!! Wow-batman and the butler-very cool!
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