Monday, July 24, 2023


 I’ve been reading old Blog Fodder and found many, for whatever reason, I didn’t post. So here's today's morsel 


 "You have to hang by your arms for at least 30 seconds.”

“But why?” I ask my daughter as I dangle from the door frame.

“To build strength”.

“In my armpits? That’s where it’s burning.”

“No, your upper body.”

“And who says to do this?”

“My strength trainer.”

“And when will I ever need to hang like this?”

“Mom, just do it.”

And just then I remembered a news story:


Brazilian woman saved by ravaging mudslides

When neighbors throw her a lifeline.



She hung from that lifeline for many, many minutes…

Before her neighbors yanked her up on their roof to safety.

Well, I don’t live in a mudslide area...

Unless we’re talking mixed drinks.

But then…

With all the crazy things happening in the world…

And if the apocalypse actually happens…

Could there…

Would there…

Ever be a reason…

That I would need to hang?




Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I guess it doesn't hurt to be in shape for anything.

L. Diane Wolfe said...

Women have far less upper body strength than men, so strengthening those muscles is a good idea. As you said, one never knows in this crazy world.