Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I’ve discovered the secret to perfect editing.
All you have to do is…
Have a request from a literary agent for a partial…
Put the partial into the body of an email…
Get super excited to send it then
Every mistake will glow and glare on the screen.
It doesn’t matter how many times you printed the partial…
And read the partial in different places of your house…
Even outside with iced tea.
Or printed the partial using a different font or format…
Because when you’re just about ready to hit send…
The errors…
Will become so obvious…
You’ll wonder…
If you ever knew grammar or punctuation…
Or if you could even write at all.
The other truth about sending partials…
Is that the computer imps will attack.
Uh huh! Like yesterday.
I hit a key…
And all of a sudden my gmail page…
Cripes! I needed a magnifying glass to read it.
Would it look like this when I sent it to the agent?
Half an hour later I found the answer on Google.
I hit the Ctrl and 0 keys and the email page reset.
It’ll take a few hours though…
To find the key
To reset my nerves
Now that I’ve sent…
My partial.

Always, Em-Musing


Matthew MacNish said...

Hah! What a great anecdote, you're totally right.

Jennifer Shirk said...

LOL! So true!

But good luck with your submission!

Tana said...

=) Cute! And good luck with the partial!!!