Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I'm going to fess up here…
And admit a huge flaw in my writing/character…
I can’t keep up!
I love to blog, and do most weekdays…
And I always work on my W.I.P.’s…
But I can’t keep up with the rest of the writing world!
Every blog I see…
All I read is: I did this, and I did that, and I sent this,
And entered that, and started this…
Yada, yada, yada.
And I admire all those people
But I can’t keep up.
I write because I love to write…
And because the spirit moves me…
And thankfully, I’m moved every day.
But I can’t keep up!
When I see other people’s writing trail…
I respect what they’ve accomplished
And their career path…
But I can’t keep up.
And I was beating myself up feeling like a slacker.
I finally had to self analyze and find my center…
Peer into the well from which I draw my creativity…
And understand that mine runs deep, and it’s cool and refreshing.
I’ve got to stop comparing myself to other writers…
And how prolific they are
Quit stressing myself out…
Be thankful I’ve been given the talent to write…
And write from my heart.
That's all I can do.

Always, Em-Musing


kah said...

I can't keep up either. And you're right, we shouldn't compare ourselves to others. We're all on our own path.

Talli Roland said...

I know! It's so hard to keep up with blogging - I often get quite stressed out about it. Do what you can - people are so understanding in the blogosphere. :)

Elana Johnson said...

You've got it. That's all you can do. Your best. What you have time for. What you think is important. Comparing is a dangerous game. :)