Buried treasure!
I found some!
It must have been fate…
Since I was blogging about pirates…
Because isn’t buried treasure what pirates find?
OK, it wasn’t a chest of treasure…
It was one tarnished old dime…
And a pair of earrings…
Silver frog earrings, to be exact.
I found them…
While I was planting Stella Doro lilies in my front garden.
And what’s odd to me is…
Usually women lose just one earring...
Not both.
Not both.
And what’s even odder, or a coincidence…
Is one year I counted frog and toad populations…
For the Metro parks with my daughter.
And I can tell the calls of Western Chorus, Spring Peepers…
Wood, Green, Bull and Gray tree frogs…
And American and Fowler toads.
Yeah, I know…not a big deal.
OK, how about this…
If you saw the movie Pirates of the Caribbean 4…
Then you know Barbosa caught and used red frogs as a weapon.
A coincidence, no?
Still not impressed.
OK, then impress me…
OK, then impress me…
Ever find buried treasure?
Or what’s the strangest thing you ever dug up?
(and I hope it wasn’t a body)
As a writer...
Have you ever made any of your characters unearth something?
As a writer...
Have you ever made any of your characters unearth something?
Always, Em-Musing
Oh lol, this reminds me of something that happened to me when I was about fourteen. I lost a ring my grandmother had given me. I loved the ring and was devastated. A week later I was at a family member's house about two hours drive from home who we probably only visited twice a year at the most. I went to their bathroom and just as I was about to sit on their toilet I saw something in the bowl, sparkling. It was my ring! To this day I still can't figure out how it got there.
We used to dig up old bottles when we were kids. I can't say as I've ever unearthed anything unusual. But yeah, I actually did dig up a dead body once. My dog. Quite by accident.
My house is actually a converted horse barn from the 1800s (our neighbor's have the actual farmhouse). The back yard used to be a literal dump, so my sister and I would always troll for treasure...
two earrings is weird though. All we found were bottles and old crockery.
Ha! I love finding things!!! Once I found a wallet full of credit cards and no cash. I called the person and when he picked up the wallet he gave me $200. and a box of fresh lobster because he owned a sea food restaurant. It pays to be good. ;)
I never found anything so cool as silver frog earrings! I did find a 1945 nickel once, though, when our driveway was dug up. Still have it too.
Now that you mention it, I don't dig too often! I'm a true apartment dweller so there isn't much gardening in my life :-)
I remember when I was a kid, sifting through sand for seashells! We always carried home a bucket full of shells from the beach. I have no idea what happened to all of them.
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