Thursday, August 11, 2016


4:30 a.m.
Make coffee
Feed cat
Light up my palo santo incense
Put on my isochronic tones
Drink coffee
Oh yeah, baby
My mojo’s working today
I’m in the groove.
In the mood again to write!
Hmm? Let’s see
Write another chapter
In my humorous women’s fiction manuscript?
Wha? Hey? Who are you?
What are you doing here?
Oh, don’t act like we’re strangers
I’m your buddy, Mr. P
Or should I say I’m your
I can’t-write-today buddy
Thought you could get rid of me, did ya
By drinking coffee again?
Oh, I got to give it to you, Leigh
Blamiing not drinking coffee 
For procrastinating on writing
That was a good one.
Well, don’t you bet on it, missy
“Cause I’m here to tell ya
You can’t get rid of me that easily
I’m stuck in your head
Deep in your psyche
Riding the waves of your brain
Coming up with new ways
For you to procrastinate
Oh dear Lord!
Mr. P is right
I don’t have any more excuses not to write
No more cleaning goo from the grooves on my laptop
Or tweezing hairs on my chin
No more whining I don’t have time
No!  Stop!
I will not let Mr. P rule my brain, ruin my day!  
This what he looked like decades ago
But how do I get rid of this roguish persona when he
Makes wasting time look so good?

This is what he looks like now

Tell me fellow writers
Do you have a Mr. P in your brain?
How do you deal with procrastination?
And if you could see him/her
What would they look like?



Wednesday, August 10, 2016


4:30 a.m.
My first cuppa in 5 months!
And, oh, my brain is all a’flutter
Neurons are revving up to fire
New brain wrinkles are waiting to fold
My taste buds are salivating 
                        with anticipation!   
And my mood? Elevating already.
But I wondered
Is all this in my imagination?
Or real?
So I Googled
And ah hah!
It seems coffee
a.k.a Joe, mocha, Java, cafe noir, jamocha
Actually improves various aspects of brain function
Including memory, mood, vigilance, energy levels,
Reaction times and general cognitive function.
Just thinking about coffee.
I’m feeling smarter and happier already
And my creative juices are flowing!
So into the kitchen I went
To fire up my coffee pot
When suddenly
Patti LaBelle’s song, LadyMarmalade   
Perked up in my head
With a few altered lyrics of course:
Hello, hey Joe
Wanna give it a go?
Itchi Gitchy Ya Ya Da Da
Itchi Gitchy Ya Ya I do, I do
Mocha, Java, Café noir
This ole lady's gonna brew you. 
And what about you?
Any food or beverage get you this fired up?

