Friday, September 13, 2013


Is it me?
Or am I the only one whose body…
Likes to plays practical jokes?
A few weeks ago…
I blogged about me taking yoga..
And that prana is energy…
That moves through your body.
Well, in my case…
Prana likes to work its way out my lower half.
Like the other day in my yoga class…
You need to start that ayuredic diet I suggested!”
Gee! I thought she was OK with me releasing prana.
Guess prana was just too much today.
But wait a minute…
Now that I’m thinking about it…
The only time I’m plagued with exploding prana…
Is when I’m in certain places, certain situations…
Like in a movie theater…
In a car with friends and …
Each and every yoga class!
And then...
There are those demonic itches…
That only happen…
When you’re in say, a meeting, recital, or church…
And then it’s like little demons…
Are instigating the most intense itch ever…
Right in the middle of your back...
Making you squirm and wriggle in your seat…
As if you're having a seizure...
Just to scratch that itch somehow!
Or how about that tickly little cough…
That erupts in your throat…
When you’re at a party…
And you've got a glass in one hand...
And a plate piled with food in the other...
And the cough builds to a crescendo…
Causing you to cough and sneeze at the same time…
(and sometimes pee)
And you're desperately trying not to spill anything...
And then of course you nose starts running profusely…
And now people are backing away from you...
As if you've got the plague.
Am I the only one...
Whose body is a jokester?

Always, Em-Musing


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Never quite that bad! Time to go hide in the bathroom for a few minutes.

Adam said...

Luckily mine works alright, though I'm young.

Anne Gallagher said...

Had to laugh at your prana. I, too have been plagued of late. And naturally at the most embarrassing times.

However, this topic is one Monster and I find ourselves discussing on our way to school every morning lately. I don't know what it is with kids and farts. They just think they're so hysterical.

Gossip_Grl said...

Hilarious post and I had to laugh tho I didn't pee but I hear it happens to everyone (TG). Since acquiring a bad knee I was told that yoga would help. I haven't tried it yet because just seeing some of those body twists makes my knee and back hurt. :)