Thursday, December 31, 2009


See what I mean?
About spiders?
I woke up at 3:30 in the morning . . .
With a insistent itch on my leg.
After incessantly scratching it . . .
I fell back to sleep.
Didn’t think about it again.
Until this morning when I was shaving my legs.
What the . . .
There was a bite on my leg.
A fiery red bite . . .
Which was now redder with my blood from the nick.
Damn it!
The temps have been frigid for a  month . . .
Which means that . . .
There are no mosquitoes stalking us humans for blood!
Which means that . . .
The only critter that bit me was . . .
A spider!
So you know what that means, don't you?
It means that I am their food source now that the little ants in my apartment are hibernating.
And that means . . .
That a tiny little spider (I pray it was little and there is only one)
Has reduced me to being . . .
The lowest link on the food chain . . .
In my own apartment!
See why I hate spiders?
Not only are they bloodsucking little monsters . . .
They add insult to injury!

Always Em-Musing
P.S. I wonder if any of the dozen creams I got for Christmas might also be a spider repellent?