Thursday, October 28, 2010


A time for being scared…
But what is it that really scares you?
What makes you turn on all the lights at night…
For fear that something lurks in dark recesses?
And what would that “something” be?
I grew up in a home where I was told bedtime stories…
About ghosts and spirits that hovered all around me.
I also read illustrated books of poetry in bed
By Robert Louis Stevenson and Eugene Field.
And Field’s poem, “Seein’ Things” had a huge impact on me…
Because besides the poem being scary…
It was accompanied by a scary illustration of a boy in bed…
With apparitions hovering by him.
And so I really believed in those “things.”
I’m just thankful I never saw any of them.
So for me, being scared…
Starts from a belief that something can be true.
Like waaaaay back in the 70’s…
When the move, The Exorcist came out…
I went, I saw, I was scared.
Because the movie was based on a true story.
(I still won’t watch it again)
And now…
The Haunted Boy
Another film about that same true story
Of a child being possessed has been made. 
It  debuted on Oct. 21st in St. Louis…
It’s also available on DVD.
Will I see it?
Hell no!
Because even at my age…
I'm still scared that …
Sometimes they’re in the corner, sometimes they’re by the door,
Sometimes they’re all a-standin’ in the middle uv the floor;
Sometimes they are a-sittin’ down, sometimes they’re walkin’ round
So softly and so creepy-like they never make a sound!
Sometimes they are as black as ink, an’other times they’re white–
But color ain’t no difference when you see things at night!

Always, Em-Musing

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