Friday, April 20, 2012

This is NOT my "R" post...
Because I can not FIND my "R" post.
I pre-wrote all the posts for A-Z Challenge...
Because I've had family visiting for a week...
And today I'm leaving for the States for a few days...
So, for once in my life, I prepared...
I wrote every single post through Z.
But this morning...
Blogger changed the format...
And I can't find them.Anywhere!
I don't have time to play around looking...
Because I've got a plane to catch.
So bare with me...
I've got to vent...
You stupid ass&*(((&^$$##@$^&*Blogger...
You're nothing but a f))(*&^&&%*()___!
Do you realize you fu%#@#^()(*&^$##$%!
How dare you touch my writing, you sh@#$^^&*()*(!
If I could find Blogger's scrawny neck I'd &&^%$$%^((*&&^!
Well, I don't feel better because...
I don't know if I'm going to have time to re-write...
The remainder of the posts for the A-Z challenge...
I can't even find the people I'm followng!
Where are they?
All the blogs I follow are GONE!
If someone is reading this...
And has a clue...
Please, I beg you--clue me in.
In the meantime...
Thanks to all my new followers...
And all those following my story.
I apologize.

Always, Em-Musing



Jennifer Shirk said...

Blogger did that to me once.
I feel you arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.

Have a nice trip!

farawayeyes said...

It seems blogger is on a roll. I went in to publish my pre-written post and found the new format. Fortunately, I saved my posts in a Word document. Copy and paste worked for me. What's wrong with those people?

Jessica Bell said...

Ouch! :( so sorry! I export and save my blog on my computer every couple of days in case stuff like that happens. If you need help figuring out how to do that, drop me a line! :o)

Sharkbytes said...

Wow- I don't think that's happened to me yet. I'm trying to visit all the A-Z Challenge Blogs this month. My alphabet is at

Pat Hatt said...

Yeah it does the blogs I follow thing to me but I just refresh and they come back.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Either refresh or go into Google Reader and you'll find them all listed there.
I changed to the new interface last year so my only battle right now is my posts not posting as scheduled.

Shay Lacy said...

So sorry technology has taken the "Hal" approach to you. I type my blog posts in Word also.

Siobhan said...

Oh my! How frustrating. I wish I could help, but I have no clue.

Julie Flanders said...

Oh no! I'm sorry this happened. It seems like Blogger is driving a lot of people nuts lately. :(

Barbara Watson said...

I switched to the 'new' Blogger quite a long time ago, so I'm not experiencing these problems now (even the scheduling ones). It's possible your stuff is still there (???) just under a different format?

Stephanie said...

I'm so sorry, that's awful. I wish I could help.

Dawn Embers said...

It happens at times. Still looking forward to the next post. This path has been fun to follow.

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

I am almost certain there's a way to go back to the old format still. I had the option, and it hasn't switched me back yet.