Saturday, April 28, 2012


The alphabet is a journey of 26 letters...
Each letter begins a new story.

Yesterday’s post was a tease…
A “words provoking a visual” tease.
No sooner had I posted though...
I had to leave for the rest of the day...
So this morning is the first time…
I could open my blog to see comments…
And if I got any new followers and…
I DO have a new follower…
From Chennai Escorts.
An excort service in India.
(of course I looked it up)
And there was a comment left.
(check out yesterday’s post)
Someone at this escort service…
Likes my blog and can’t wait for more?
Now that’s a tease...
For me!
Am I bad? Naughty?
But my curiosity is turned on…
How did she stumble upon my blog?
Was it between ‘services’?
Is she a writer under covers?
What word (s) in my post…
Titillated an escort…
From across the globe?
And I have a confession…
I've never heard of one of the escort's services...
A milk fetish. (?)
It gives a new meaning to: Got Milk?
Who is the strangest new follower you got...
During this A - Z Challenge?

Always, Em-Musing


Writer Pat Newcombe said...

It's always great to get new followers and steady comments, eh? Congrats on getting to the last of the challenge!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Someone who posts only erotic porn is following me. No idea why.

Michael Offutt, Phantom Reader said...

I don't know if I look that closely at my followers. I'll have to check out to see if there are any escort services or porn star services following me. How interesting.

farawayeyes said...

So glad to see that nobody answered your questions by saying I was their strangest new follower.

Anonymous said...

Yowsa is right! And I agree with farawayeyes.

Dawn Embers said...


I haven't been paying attention to whether I've even gained new followers or not. I know on one I have a few new ones but not very many this year. I was more active during last year's challenge with less work and less being sick though. That is an interesting follow you got, for sure.