The alphabet is a journey of 26 letters...
Each letter begins a new story.
So there I was…
I had accepted an invitation for lunch…
From the writers of MVRWA…
(Maumee Valley Romance Writers of America)
And though I questioned their agendas.
I had a lot of questions I wanted to ask them…
The first being...
Where were we going for this undercover "lunch"?
And would anyone see my underwear?
“Do you know where Friday’s is?” the woman asked.
“Uh, yeah, of course, sure.”
Friday’s? That's it? I can handle Friday's..
And so off I went.
Not long after…
Eating spinach quiche and drinking a beer…
(and boy did I need that beer)
I quizzed them on what genre…
I needed to put in my query letter for…
Beyond the Mountains of Darkness…
My first novel.
That’s what started the path of these posts.
They all had opinions, but I left there still uncertain.
Guess I still needed more…
Ah, ah, ah…
Return tomorrow for “R”...
But it's not the "R" you think.
Always, Em-Musing
Waiting with baited breath, Leigh!
More questions than answers, huh?
Ok, good Q,but I was so hoping for some exotic restaurant.
No the "R" I'm thinking? Hmm. I wonder which one it is!
The Golden Eagle
The Eagle's Aerial Perspective
Oh the genre traps of fiction! Run while you still can! Do not get boxed in.
Like Betty, I'm so enjoying the ride. I cracked up about seeing your underwear at the lunch LOL. :D
mmm Spinach Quiche.... Yum.
Friday's?! I figured it would be at the goat lady's for some goat cheese and crackers!
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