Monday, April 23, 2012


The alphabet is a journey of 26 letters...
Each letter begins a new story. 
And so I entered…
The cabin up in Michigan…
For the MVRWA writer retreat.

Inside, a circle of women chanted…
“Stiffcock! Stiffcock! Stiffcock!”

"No Stiffcock until tonight!" the author of erotica yelled back…
“Don’t mind her,” another writer said...
She needs a little wine before she performs.” 

Performs? Oh, boy...
What kind of weirdo wackos did I get myself mixed up with?

Just as I was about to bolt…
The roomful of women shouted…
“Hi Leigh! Glad you made it. Come join us.”
And before I knew it, I followed my feet in.
After putting my things in a bedroom,
I came back out, joined the group...
And sat down next to a very normal looking women.

Curious, I asked
“So, do you write erotica too?” 
“Oh, no. I write paranormal.” 
Lord!. What next? Seances?
“And I write sweet inspiration romances," yet another said.
“Oh, I get it...
You all write different genres?”
“Categories, the woman said.

“We all write different category romance.”
I learned a lot that weekend,..
Not the least that the Stiffcock performance…
Was anything but erotic. 

Actually it was an hysterically funny fantasy..
Based on a story the erotica author had written.
And so…
I submitted my senses to totally enjoy…
That weekend in a cabin up in Michigan…
Amidst the company of women writers.
And the best thing that happened was…
Ta, ta, ta...tomorrow ”T” will tell you more.

Always, Em-Musing


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

So you fit in well after all!

Stephanie said...

I'm so glad you found your poems. And that you ended up enjoying the retreat. Can't wait to read the next post.

ilima said...

Oh gosh. I would have been freaking out too. Haha.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting workshop.

Tracy Jo said...

That sounds like a blast! I need to find a group like that. :-)

Tracy said...

oh that's cruel to leave us all sounds, well, interesting for lack o a better word!

Jennifer Shirk said...

YOu can't leave me hanging!! :) I need to know the best thing that happened!

J.C. Martin said...

Sounds like a fun time! And now I have to come back tomorrow to find out what the best thing that happened to you was!

J.C. Martin
A to Z Blogger

Dawn Embers said...


Sounds like great fun.