Friday, April 13, 2012


The alphabet is journey of 26 letters...
Each one begins a new story. 
So after making the changes to my query…
There was only one more blank to fill…
Label it.. a.k.a. what genre.

The story was part fantasy…
Because there were other realms involved.
It was also a thriller…
Because tick tock...
The end of mankind was nigh.
Was it religious?
Because the story was based on a Biblical ambiguity…
And Jewish lore?
But then what about those gnarly creatures doing horrific acts.
Religious horror?
Dark Religious horror? (is there such a beast?)
Dark Urban Fantasy?
Spiritual Thriller?
Dark Spiritual Thriller?
Religious Thriller?
Trying to figure the genre…
Made my head spin…
Like Megan’s in The Exorcist.
(and is The Exorcist Religious horror?)
After weeks I was feeling lost…
Until the day I finally found —
Ummm, “M” will tell you the rest tomorrow.

Always, Em-Musing


farawayeyes said...

Labels, genre. I keep wondering why that is so important. Everything I write seems to cross and blur so many lines. How do you possibly label it?

Pat Hatt said...

Yeah labelling it is like the hardest thing for me to do. So many things I work in, just seems like I'm cheating one or something if I don't use it.

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

Genre is always the tricky one, isn't it?

Tracy said...

Hah, I still don't know what the genre of my book is, but why put it in a box as it is truly unique!

Tracy Jo said...

Can't wait to hear what it is! That would be so hard...because I can imagine you don't want to box your baby into a corner of one thing either. Have a great weekend!

Shay Lacy said...

Ack, a cliffhanger. That's dastardly. Thanks, Em. :)

ilima said...

I HATE labeling my stories because it's always a mix of genres too.

Jessica Salyer said...

It's is hard to put into a small box, when it is so much more. Can't wait to see what you ended up labeling it as.

Dawn Embers said...

Ah yeah, genre. That can be tough. The one I plan to submit first I have yet to decide if ti's more fantasy or sci-fi. Oh well. Can't wait to see what comes next.

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

I am so clueless!! I don't know nothing about labeling no books, Miss Scarlett!

Stephanie said...

Ah, publishing labels. Necessary for marketing but such a pain in the butt when you have to squeeze your work into one.