The Alphabet is a journey of 26 letters...
Each letter begins a story.
My B' story is - Beyond the Mountains of Darkness…
The first title of my first book.
Yeah, not the catchiest…
Only I knew it’s significance…
That it’s linked to lore…
About two hundred fallen angels…
Known as the Watchers.
Its genre is Dark Religious Fantasy...
Yeah, I know...
A tough cookie to sell....
But I wrote that first novel with a passion.
Not knowing anything about anything...
And the first lesson I had to learn was...
Just b'cuz I liked it...
Didn’t mean it was good.
Like all new writers...
I had lots to learn...
And the second lesson was ---
Ah, ah, ah....
That's tomorrow's "C" story.
Always, Em-Musing
I don't know. It sounds like a pretty cool story to me. :)
It seems 'Dark Religious Fantasy' should be right up there, 'just 'B' cuz.
I've never read a dark religious fantasy story, but sometimes you just have to write for you. I think we as writers all have a story we started with that had no real sell-ability before we found out what the market was really like.
Stopping by for the A to Z challenge. I actually really the title. :) Looking forward to seeing what the second lesson was.
Nice, short example. Well written and interesting.
Well done. Having passion and actually finishing is success in my book.
Yes, I agree with Slamdunk: finishing is the thing. Especially the first one. Which is where I am. Help!
I love the title and the story sounds really interesting. Looking forward to what you have tomorrow for C!
Maybe some day you'll return to it and rewrite the story.
Great title. Intriguing genre. Perhaps you're ahead of the genre curve with this one.
I'm admiring and in awe of those in the A-Z challenge.
When I started writing, I didn't know much about anything either, and most days I feel like I still don't know much.
Too true... great post. I like the title.
Nice...i am waiting to see what C is. and no i don't think it was a bad title at all!
Nice post. First titles are tough ones. At one point the novel I am working on was called "Hero"... yeah. I couldn't think of a better title and having nothing bugged me. Live and learn. ;-)
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