I was in my car the other day…
At a red light…
When I glanced out the passenger side window…
And noticed an old cemetery …
Next to a gas station and behind a medical lab.
I’ve sat at this intersection hundreds of times…
But never noticed this small, inconspicuous cemetery before.
The thin, old-fashioned headstones…
Were askew…
And darkened with crud from acid deposition.
There were no flowers on any of the graves…
Unlike the cemetery a few miles up the road …
That has flowers by almost all those newer headstones.
I’m thinking that the dead people…
In this little old cemetery…
Have probably been there sooo long…
That even their relatives are all dead…
And in cemeteries somewhere too.
Just before the light turned green…
I noticed a sign on the fence surrounding the cemetery…
Hours - Sunrise to Sunset
If ghosts really do exist…
Perhaps the cemetery sign should read:
Hours for living people – Sunrise – Sunset
Hours for dead people – All the time
Always, Em-Musing
P.S. OK, I confess. This is a resurrected and edited post from last year.