The alphabet is a journey of 26 letters...
Each letter begins a new story.
D = Doubt
Somewhere along the way…
Of realizing that crafting a novel..
Takes work, dedication, and more hours…
Than I ever thought…
Doubt crept in my craw…
“So? Ya think ya got what it takes Bunkie?
Just ‘cuz you write advertising copy…
Doesn’t mean you can write a book.”
I listened to Doubt for a while…
But something in me...
Doubted doubt…
One day my saving grace...
Came while reading Writer’s Digest...
And I stumbled upon…
Ah, ah, ah…
That’s tomorrow’s “E” story.
While writing this post on doubt...
A thought popped up...
Seems every writer I know…
Has or had doubt…
So now I’m curious…
Are there any writers out there…
Who never doubted?
Always, Em-Musing
There are a few things that I never doubt, but when I comes to my writing it's DOUBT in all caps. Now, the stories are a whole 'nother matter. I don't doubt them for a minute, just my ability to tell them properly.
I still doubt. I don't know if doubt ever goes away, but maybe that makes us reach to be better.
I just loved that you used the word "craw."
Yes, doubt is pretty powerful, but then so is hope!
Good topic. I hope not. No doubt? That is a major driver in most of us.
I don't think doubt ever goes away, but can learn to manage it.
Way to go on the hook for E!
I doubt all the time. In fact, I've dubbed myself Doubting Thomas (a Bible reference), LOL!
BUT, I still try to forge ahead. Cuz you never know if you don't try!
Nice post!
Writing from the ISWG (I am 262 on the link list there :) I have that feeling of doubt often myself. It is almost that inner voice that laughs that sparks all of those feelings that make me question myself. I won't give up though and don't ever give up by listening to that voice. Love reading your writings on your blog
Can definitely relate. As the time went by and I wasn't even to the editing stage yet, that pesky doubt started to speak up more. I'm still working on it and try not to doubt too much.
I can't imagine a writer who has never doubted themselves at some point. Every time I get a new rejection letter a little voice whispers just stick to your day job.
I've learned to pat that little voice on the head, tell it to go take a nap and keep working on my dream. The only guarantee of failure is giving up.
A doubtless writer? Not me!
Honey....doubting comes with the territory...and none of us are immune! :)
A doubter extraordinaire I used to be , but the encouragers along the way keep telling me to try again. I once doubted I could do art, let alone teach it, but I'm in my fifth year as an art teacher, so I have faith that if I wamt to be published someday, I can be.
I've doubted a lot. I love that line where you wrote about "doubting doubt." I'm so excited for tomorrow's posting :)
If there are doubtless writers, I've never met them! I'm so anxious now to read tomorrow's E post, can't wait to see what you found in Writer's Digest. :)
I think we all have some doubts; we are human. There have been times when my doubts were more pronounced.
I love that you chose to "Doubt doubt". From now on if doubt ever creeps into my life I will remember to doubt it on out.
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